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$100 Mystery Crystal Box



$100 Mystery Crystal Box


Embark on a truly enchanting exploration with our exclusive $100 Mystery Crystal Box, a treasure trove valued at over $150! Immerse yourself in the allure of the unknown as you unveil a handpicked selection of exquisite crystals, each radiating its unique energy to elevate your spiritual journey and home sanctuary.

****If you have particular preferences regarding colors, shapes, or types of crystals, kindly provide your specifications in the notes at checkout. While I will make diligent efforts to accommodate your requests, please be advised that I cannot guarantee the fulfillment of every preference. Nonetheless, I assure you that I will strive to meet your requirements to the best of my ability.


The $100 Mystery Crystal Box is a celebration of the extraordinary, promising an opulent collection that transcends expectations. Whether you're an avid crystal collector or a seeker of positive energy, this mystery box is a luxurious journey into the realm of enchantment and beauty.


Indulge in the anticipation of discovering a diverse array of high-quality crystals, thoughtfully curated to deliver a harmonious blend of energies. From the dazzling clarity of clear quartz to the protective embrace of obsidian, each crystal is a gemstone masterpiece waiting to enhance your space and elevate your well-being.


Perfect as an opulent gift or a lavish self-indulgence, this mystery box invites you to experience the magic of crystals at its finest. Transform your surroundings into a haven of positive vibrations, or share the joy of discovery with a loved one, making every unboxing a moment of enchantment.


Unleash the magic, unlock the secrets, and let the $100 Mystery Crystal Box be your gateway to a world of refined beauty and positive energy. Beyond its impressive value, this box is an invitation to savor the opulence of crystals that will adorn your life with brilliance and intention. Embrace the mystery, elevate your energy, and let the crystals weave their enchantment into your every moment.

  • Care Instructions

    While care instructions for a mystery crystal box may depend on the specific contents of the box, here are some general guidelines to help you care for and enjoy your crystals:

    • Handling:

      • Handle your crystals with clean hands to avoid transferring oils or dirt. Crystals are often delicate, so treat them with care to prevent chips or fractures.
    • Cleansing:

      • Crystals can absorb and store energy, so it's beneficial to cleanse them regularly. Common methods include:
        • Sunlight: Place crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours.
        • Moonlight: Allow crystals to bask in the light of the full moon.
        • Selenite: Place crystals on a selenite charging plate.
        • Smudging: Pass crystals through the smoke of sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs.
    • Charging:

      • Charge your crystals with positive intentions. Hold them in your hands and visualize them being filled with light and positive energy.
    • Programming:

      • Crystals can be programmed with specific intentions. Hold the crystal and focus on your desired goal or affirmation.
    • Storage:

      • Store your crystals in a safe and dry place. Consider using a special pouch, box, or display case to prevent scratching and keep them organized.
    • Avoid Water:

      • Some crystals are sensitive to water, so avoid submerging them. If cleaning is necessary, use a soft, dry cloth.
    • Energetic Environment:

      • Crystals can be affected by the energy around them. Keep them in spaces with positive vibes and consider placing them near plants or other items that promote positive energy.
    • Share the Energy:

      • Allow others to experience the positive energy of your crystals. Share their beauty and energy with friends or loved ones.

    Remember that specific crystals may have unique care requirements, so it's a good idea to research individual crystals in your mystery box for more tailored care instructions. Enjoy the journey of discovery and exploration as you connect with the energy and beauty of your mystery crystal collection!

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